Kroyler Gracie

Kroyler Gracie is the grandson of the late Grandmaster Helio Gracie.  As is tradition in his family, he has been learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since he was a young child.  His thirst for knowledge has led him to travel across the US to train with some of the most knowledgeable Jiu Jitsu minds out there, such as Grandmaster Marcio “Macarrao” Stambowsky, Luiz Filho, Ryron Gracie, Nino Schembri, and many others. Exposure to these masters has influenced his dynamic style and had a lasting impact on the way he practices the art.  Kroyler is also an avid competitor and has participated in the Mundials, Pan Ams, Hoosier and Michigan State opens, C3, Ohio Grappling Challenge Black Belt invitational, Gracie Worlds, and many other competitions in the Midwest region. 

Kroyler has traveled the world, teaching at seminars and training with anyone who shares his passion for Jiu Jitsu. Currently he teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Self Defense full time at Kroyler Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy in Elkhart, Indiana.

Kroyler front and center amongst the chaos.

Kroyler front and center amongst the chaos.

Andrew Desimone

Andrew’s Jiu Jitsu background isn’t nearly as interesting as Kroyler’s so this bio will be short. With a background in wrestling, grappling wasn’t completely foreign to Andrew, but it only took a few minutes for him to realize that he entered a whole new world the first time he rolled with someone. For five years now he has been studying Jiu Jitsu at Kroyler’s gym in Elkhart, Indiana. In that short amount of time Andrew has benefited greatly from his training and the people he has met along the way.

A longtime podcast listener, Andrew thought it would be a good idea to broadcast Kroyler’s knowledge of Jiu Jitsu to the world. It remains to be seen if this was a good decision or not. Cross your fingers.

Andrew (far left) with Victor and Kroyler in Rio.

Andrew (far left) with Victor and Kroyler in Rio.